Archive for April, 2013

Scatterdays: L

April 27, 2013

Another fortnight, another last minute mad dash to figure out my four categories. This week our letter is:


The topics are: Sky, Purple, City and Lap Quilt


I’ve been following the adventures of Canada’s favourite spaceman: Chris Hadfield.  Chris is currently the Commander of the International Space Station, and he’s doing more than anyone else to demystify and popularize the goings on up there. He’s using social media a lot while he’s there, and sending back lots on Facebook and YouTube. I’ve seen videos of how you sleep in zero gravity, how you get a haircut, and how to brush your teeth.  Even a science experiment suggested by a Canadian student about what happens when you squeeze a soaking wet facecloth in zero G!  (you’d be surprised what does happen).

I have a personal connection with Chris – he’s a musician and songwriter too, and he’s been working with my producer, Paul Mills, to record a bunch of songs FROM SPACE!  It’s going very well, I hear.

Chris is taking some amazing pictures from space, and here’s one that he took of the rising moon – otherwise known as Luna.


I’ve already taken a sneak peek at Cinzia’s post this week, and she chose the city London.  As in England.  I have been there too, but actually I grew up in London Ontario. Not quite the same cachet that the other one has, but it’s where I’m from, so this is the one I chose.


And yes, the Thames River runs through this one, too.  AND Stratford upon Avon is not far away!

I have lavender growing in my yard.  This time of year, it’s not very purple, but it will be.  Here’s what lavender looks like in the spring in Victoria BC.


Just beside the first shoots of lavender are proper purple flowers:


This is one I made with my Mock Mola Applique technique.  It’s a combination of two Labyrinths, the top is Caerdroia Labyrinth, and the bottom is a Roman one.


 That’s all for now.  In two weeks, I’ll see you with Vs: Colour, Weather, Pointy and Vibrant Quilts!!!

To see some of the other Scatterdayers, there’s a list of all of us on Cinzia’s blog.

One week to go!

April 23, 2013

The Star and Plume Block of the Month will be up and running in one week!

On May 1st, the first two blocks will be sent out to everyone who is participating.  If you haven’t signed up by then, you’ll have to wait until next time.

Just to whet your appetite, I have a picture of the first two blocks on the BoM blog.  I am making the quilt again in shades of grey, as you can see.  I can’t wait to see what colours the participants choose to work with !  Each different colour decision will make the quilts look entirely different.  You will be able to see the evolving quilts as they get made on the blog.

For details about signing up for this BoM, visit

Star and Plume Block of the Month

April 8, 2013
Do you want to make this quilt?

Do you want to make this quilt?

Over the years I’ve had many people (including Leah Day of Free Motion Quilting fame) approach me to get the pattern for this scrappy sampler quilt: “Star and Plume”.  I made it to illustrate the lyrics to the song I wrote of the same name: 48 blocks telling the story (through the block names) of a happy-ending encounter between our favourite quilty gal Sunbonnet Sue and an evil, thieving, “slasher” guy.  Sue “outguns” him (thanks to blocks like Bear’s Paw, Indian Hatchet and Anvil), and they live happily ever after – together. The blocks mostly came from Barbara Brackman’s wonderful book “Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns“.

The idea of writing a pattern for this quilt is daunting – it’s really a book, and I’ve been quite overwhelmed with the work involved to write it all up.  I see it as an instruction book for many of the essential skills for quilters who want to get better at – and be less fearful of –  tackling new and more challenging blocks.

So I have decided to offer this as a Block of the Month. It will last for 24 months, with the patterns for two blocks sent each month. I will send the patterns and instructions out via email, so there won’t be any shipping costs (or delay) involved.  I won’t be including fabric, so that each quilt will reflect the stash, scrap bag and taste of its maker, but there will be lots and lots of valuable technique information and advice.  I’ll also be available to answer any questions from participants. This is not a beginner quilt, but beginners can learn, through making the blocks, how to be better quilters.  My own learning curve, while making it, was huge.

What will you make?
The quilt is made up of 48 nine-inch blocks, mostly traditional, with sashing and cornerstone blocks.  It measures 68×88 inches finished.  This could be augmented to a larger size by adding an outside border.

What will you learn?
Four-patch and Nine-patch construction, chain piecing, set-in circles (for Drunkard’s Path), half-square triangles, quarter-square triangles, foundation paper piecing, curved piecing, set-in seams (ie for Lone Star), diamonds, mitering, machine and hand appliqué.

What do you need?
A sewing machine.  Access to a photocopier.  A stash in your chosen colours. A binder to keep all the patterns in one place. Each pattern will tell you exactly what you need to successfully complete the project, with pictures, when necessary.

By the end, you will have a binder full of essential information, tips and techniques to help you make quilts forever.

I plan to start this block of the month MAY 1st, 2013.  

So: who’s with me?

You can register for this BOM on the website now.

Just want to watch (although it won’t be NEARLY as much fun)? I have a new blog for this BOM at


A new product from The Quilt Show

April 1, 2013

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that one of my highlights from last year was my appearance on The Quilt Show with Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson.  It was broadcast (on-line) in February.

Consequently, I’m on their mailing list – if you are not, it’s easy to do, and you can receive their very entertaining and useful newsletter for free, as well as being able to subscribe to the show if you wish.

But I didn’t know they were in on the ground floor developing  new and wonderful products as well.  Alex’s son is into computers, and has developed a fantastic new app for the iPhone. They have just sent out a promo video for this amazing item: the Stitch Eraser!!! Sometimes something is invented in this world that just takes your breath away with its practicality and genius.

Check out the video here.

What on earth took them so long?!?!?